Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Too big!

Look at this picture!
It's too big isn't it?
I went to Indian restaurant yesterday.
It was very yummy,but too much volume for me!
(however I ate all:p)
Lunch menu was...
salad,two eggplant deep-fried,two chicken,shrimp rice cracker,
two kinds of curry,rice,toooo big nan,juice and ice cream.
It cost me only 800 yen!!!
Too cheep and kind for our purse:))
This restaurant is worth to visit.


  1. It is too big!
    But I eat a lot.
    So I can eat it by room. σ(^ω^;)

  2. I want to go to that restaurant.
    When 8kumis are free,
    let's go there!
